Event Tickets

Digital Event Tickets

Provide more than just admission to an event.

Keep attendees up to date with the latest information without ever reprinting tickets.


  • Enhance the user experience with no added effort or cost.
  • Increase the number of attendees and improve the efficiency with which your event is run.
  • Ensure customers' attendance in future events by delivering exceptional experiences.


  • Distribute digital event tickets via SMS and email.
  • Send push reminders and manage dynamic data by updating information (i.e. seat number, date, time, and location) on a pass.
  • Use iBeacon to provide indoor navigation functionality.
  • Validate tickets easily at checkpoints for efficient redemption processes.

Personalize the experience for attendees and use iBeacon to provide contextually relevant content for a truly remarkable event experience.

Digital Event Ticket Demo

Open the demo link on your mobile phone for the best demo experience.
  • Click on the demo button below. This demo works best on a mobile device.
  • Enter your name into the form to generate your personalized digital event ticket.
  • Click on 'Add' to add the event ticket to your mobile wallet.
  • Use a 2D scanner or a scanning app (we recommend Manatee) to scan the barcode.
  • Once on the pass update page, input the following password: admin
  • Update information on the event ticket. (i.e. status from "Attending" to "Checked In")
  • Your pass will be updated to reflect the changes.
Event Ticket Demo

Get Started Today

Ready to create your own digital passes? Sign up for a free account or select from one of our tailor made plans that suits your business needs.

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